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Hannah Lynch and Spain

Collected Journalism of an Irish New Woman, 1892-1903

A cura di:

Pere Gifra Adroher, Jacqueline Hurtley

Lingua: it, en

Pagine: 252

Rilegatura: Paperback

Dimensioni: 16x23 cm

ISBN: 978-88-6969-293-2

34,00 iva inclusa
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For the first time the current volume brings together a fully annotated edition of Hannah Lynch’s articles on Spain – many of which are devoted to travel – together with a critical study of her connections with the country. Lynch, a cosmopolitan New Woman, viewed Spain with ambivalence, impatient of its resistance to change yet seduced by its landscapes and peoples. Her writing, revealing of her commitment to women’s emancipation, warrants attention from those wishing to further explore women’s contributions to the cultural and literary relations between Ireland and the Iberian Peninsula.